Tag Archives: waiting

Baby any day

We are less than two weeks away from our due date, but really that means she could come any time.  We will have a new addition to our family soon.  Everyone is excited to have a new addition, except Aurora who does not really understand what is going on.  We have been trying to prepare her by having her put her dolls to bed, and having a toy high chair and stroller.  We are hoping this prepares her somewhat.

With Hunter it is easy, we can ask him and talk to him, and read his emotions even if he does not know how to express them.  Aurora is so much harder.  She has a few dozen words and is good at communicating within those parameters but it remains to be seen how she will react.

Hospital bag is packed, van is full of gas, and we could literally go any time now.  While I do not want to rush the process, I am eager for it to be over.

We have also finally decided on a name.  Our new Daughter will be named Zorya Jade Faria.

We are waiting for you little one.