Tag Archives: k12

Return of the me

Hello again people. It has been much time and I have been slaking off on the writing. I will try to return with some regularity now. This will just be a quick update and then later I will delve into the regular deep and profound topics that i usually tackle.

We are in our new home, it is awesome. It has 4 bedrooms, a half finished basement and we finally have pictures up on the walls. We still have some unpacking to do in our bedroom, but the kids rooms are set up. The basement is full of boxes, but the areas of the house we live in are set up.

The holidays were full of stress, but also family and gifts and good times. Now all that is over and things are settling back down. Aurora is walking and talking and fussing and becoming her own little self, and Tania is 9 months pregnant. We are working to get ready for our new baby girl. Hunter is in the K12 program for the Ohio Virtual Academy and doing well.

I am trying to be a kinder and nicer person, this is more difficult than you might think. Most people think they are nice, some people think they are justified in being mean. But lets say you think you are a good person already, how do you become even better? If you are already good in your estimation how do you improve? You make your standard higher I suppose.

I am no longer walking regularly, but i get plenty of exercise at home due to my daily activity. I will be trying to add some Yoga to my day though, I will let you know how that goes.

I am still eating better and working to maintain good health habits. I do not know how this has affected my weight, but only because I have not weighed in in a long time. We got a Wii U for x-mass for ourselves, I will tell you more about that later too.

Be good, be at peace and if you have to emulate someone, emulate this guy.